How to Send Articles

Sunday, January 25, 2009

For those of you who have some limitations regarding the procedure for publishing an article on the blog, so this time will discuss the procedures for publishing on In the menu bar to publish some things you can get. If 're used to using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel probably would not have any problem to publish an article, but perhaps there is no harm if some discussion on this, perhaps between friends are still confused.

Existing toolbar when posting:

-> To change the fonts in use
-> To change the font size (heading)
-> To thicken the cards
-> To tip cards
-> To change the color of the letters
-> To create a link
-> For article on the left
-> To make the text in the center
-> For article on the right plane
-> For article on the average of left and right
-> To create a sub debate by the numbers
> To create a discussion by the sub bullet
-> To check spelling
-> To include an image (image laden)
-> For article in HTML code
-> For article in Compose mode (normal)
-> In order to review (see) articles

Using the toolbar at the top is a block (the mark) in advance in writing to be edited, then press the button on the toolbar desired.

The steps in the post or article:

1. We recommend that you first click on "Edit HTML", if immediately in fashion "Compose", often the case, the computer hangs (from experience). Copies of the article that you created earlier and then paste in the entrance area. Editing according to your wishes.
2. Click "Compose" for editing (if it is confused with the HTML).
3. Click the Tools button bearing a "stage" is blue, if you want to insert a picture or photo to adorn your ad.
4. Click "Preview" to see the results of his post, which appear on the blog, maybe there is still a need in editing.
5. Click "Publish". Made. Writing of his work will be seen and read by everyone.


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