Upload Images and Photos Profile

Friday, January 30, 2009

To send an article on the blog more interesting to watch, we must insert an image of the concoction we are also further clarify what we offer. Suppose you are explaining something, and then the image will clarify the purpose of the subject matter to explain to readers of our articles. For you, you are still confused how to insert images or official term is upload a picture, then I will review the steps:

1. Log on as usual with your ID
2. Click Messages
3. Click New Post (if you have had previous post-an)
4. Click the image toolbar like this
5. Put a tick / check the button on the Choose a design choice, if you want the position of the image can be placed anywhere, choose the None radio button if the image position on the left, select the left, if you want at the Center if you want to choose the right, select the right.
Put a tick / check the image size, if you want to upload pictures to the result of a small little choice if it wants Middle choose if you want a large screen large
6. Checklist check next to use the stationery each time if you want any pictures uploaded as already settingnya
7. Click the Browse button and then the input images from your computer to load.
8. Click Add another image if the image you want to load one image
9. Click the image upload button, wait a while until the upload is complete
10. Click the Done button to complete the loading process

After completing the loading process, to see this picture, click the Compose button. Well here you can see the image you've previously uploaded and may delay the size of this picture, how click the image to rotate the photo of your mouse arrow on the four corners of the arrow. Point your mouse on the sidelines of the image until the image became two arrows mouse mode, press and hold the mouse button and move left or right to change the width of the image, if the hard line with what you want in the buttons of his position. To adjust the image vertically, point the mouse at the bottom or top of the image until the images become children of mouse arrow in both directions, press the mouse button and hold then move the mouse up or down to adjust the height of the image, release the mouse when the size of the image fits what you want.

So now how do I send pictures to complete our profile?, Do the same as the previous steps, only a small difference is you have to remove some code. If the image you have completed the steps the load (same as above). Suppress HTML Edit menu to view the HTML source of the photo before, copy and paste the HTML code into notepad (so much easier) or you can write on paper. Then click Publish. To insert images in our profile, please follow these steps:

1. After uploading an image, click the menu Dasboard
2. Click the Edit Profile menu
3. In the form - Registration form is written profile picture URL, but here paste the HTML code that you copied into notepad, but not all, of the paste is the code after writing [src = "] on the link at the top with [http: / /] and ends with [. jpg] or [. jpg]
4. Click Save Profile, then your image is beautiful and beautiful and posted on this blog and can be seen worldwide
5. Made

There is really no other way to fill our profile picture, which is a way up (to) our photos in other accommodation, and then link the URL of the image you can host on the copy / paste into a profile Blogger / blogspot. I take the example, I usually keep my photos in http://photobucket.com. If you can register (free ko), if you have already completed the list and have access, please upload your photo. After the image upload is finished photograph will be automatically Photo URL, copy the URL of the link and then paste the image into the Picture URL field Blogger.com after lived Save changes and republish. Done, good luck.

How to Send Articles

Sunday, January 25, 2009

For those of you who have some limitations regarding the procedure for publishing an article on the blog, so this time will discuss the procedures for publishing on blogger.com. In the menu bar to publish some things you can get. If 're used to using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel probably would not have any problem to publish an article, but perhaps there is no harm if some discussion on this, perhaps between friends are still confused.

Existing toolbar when posting:

-> To change the fonts in use
-> To change the font size (heading)
-> To thicken the cards
-> To tip cards
-> To change the color of the letters
-> To create a link
-> For article on the left
-> To make the text in the center
-> For article on the right plane
-> For article on the average of left and right
-> To create a sub debate by the numbers
> To create a discussion by the sub bullet
-> To check spelling
-> To include an image (image laden)
-> For article in HTML code
-> For article in Compose mode (normal)
-> In order to review (see) articles

Using the toolbar at the top is a block (the mark) in advance in writing to be edited, then press the button on the toolbar desired.

The steps in the post or article:

1. We recommend that you first click on "Edit HTML", if immediately in fashion "Compose", often the case, the computer hangs (from experience). Copies of the article that you created earlier and then paste in the entrance area. Editing according to your wishes.
2. Click "Compose" for editing (if it is confused with the HTML).
3. Click the Tools button bearing a "stage" is blue, if you want to insert a picture or photo to adorn your ad.
4. Click "Preview" to see the results of his post, which appear on the blog, maybe there is still a need in editing.
5. Click "Publish". Made. Writing of his work will be seen and read by everyone.

Arrange the Letters and Colors

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

For the new version of Blogger, my friend can enjoy the new installation of blogger.com, which can be attached to set the font (letter) and the font color very easily. Below are the steps to configure the fonts and colors (especially for new bloggers with a new template, whereas for bloggers who use classic template, this menu is not provided). Click the menu fonts and colors ", apparently several settings (specifically for this template 'minim'),

1. Page Background Color -> Color Settings fund blog. Please click the color that is on the right is the preferred
2. Text Color - Color settings> to publish letters from
3. Link color - Color settings> in the letters of the relationship
4. Blog Title Color - Color settings> of the letters blog title
5. Blog Description Color -> Color Settings cards Blog Description
6. Post Title Color - Color settings> to send letters of title
7. Border Color -> Color Settings box surrounding the blog title, and the line
8. Title Color Sidebar -> Color Settings from the letters of the title in the sidebar (side)
9. Title Color Sidebar - Color charts> Settings there in the sidebar (side)
10. Visited links color -> Color Settings letters when visitors direct links to the text that contains links
11. Source text -> Settings for standard letters, apply for letters of the publication of the results of existing or letters in the sidebar
12. Source of title of the sidebar -> Settings to write letters of existing titles in the sidebar and the publication of
13. Blog Title Font - title> type of configuration cards blog's
14. Blog Description Font -> Setting the letters deciphered Blog
15. Post Footer Font -> Settings footer standard letters (example: posted by)
16. Click "Save Changes" to complete the setting. Made

For templates of other template 'minim', wrote basically the same except that there is little difference, but it was not difficult. To find out what was written by Fox for you, you just saw, he changed his letter in which is located next to the preview below.

Template Selection

Thursday, January 15, 2009

For my friend who had made some adjustments in the previous post, the next steps to kill the need to do is choose a template. Mirada is a design template web page templates or blog and all its components (eg images, stylesheets, etc) file is static or dynamic files that a program or application that runs as a web application.

As my friend do now, as the above banner, white background, the columns to the right, and all partners to see now is a form of the design template. Selecting a beautiful template is necessary because the view is interesting template for the view that will make visitors to our blog to be home for a long time in our blog, but of course, the content of our blogs are also a big support . Hmmm .. enriching about what is a template, trigger long boring .... Now aja directly to the main topic, selection steps on blogger.com template:

* Please login first officer, as usual with the user name belongs to you (not mine .... your it would be a hacker
* Click the "layout" (if the partner with the new blogger), or click the "Template" (if the partner using a classic template).
* Click "Pick New Template", please select the template that my friend likes my friend. Before deciding to select "template" is, you should see the first in which the sample design is always a way to click "preview template". If the taste has to find the most favorite friend, please click "Save Template" located at the top right, has ended. :

Maybe my friend had visited some Internet blogs using blogger.com (blogspot), but the template is in use is not in the choice of selecting a template. This is the possibility that the template in the template used was made of the bloggers themselves. In numerous Internet sites offering free templates for use on Blogger (blogspot) If you want to see the various templates that come from blogger.com

How to Settings Your Blog

Saturday, January 10, 2009

For the friend who just made a blog, there are some adjustments and preferences that must be done so that our blog can be identified as the search engine Google, Yahoo, MSN and other friends. If you do not know what the configuration, please follow these steps:

1. Please Login to blogger.com mate with a user name and password of my friend
2. Click the blog title is not in the configuration (if my friend already has several blogs)
3. Click Settings, click the ETR base. Some form must be filled in the basic menu:

* Title ⇒ blog content with the title of his companion. Example: Blog Rescue
* ⇒ Description Blog content with a description of my friend. Example: Here we will share experiences and knowledge on the blog
* Add your blog to our list? ⇒ Select Yes for each position that are always on the list of Blogger.com.
* That the search engines find your blog? ⇒ Select Yes
* Show Quick Editing on your blog? ⇒ select Yes
* Show Email Post Links? ⇒ must select yes, but choose not too thin
* Adult content? ⇒ select NO. If you select "Yes", your blog is considered a blog for adults (a kind of porn blog)
* Display mode composition for all of your blog? ⇒ select Yes
* Enable transliteration? ⇒ Select No, if you want a button to change the letters used in Hindi (India), select Yes, otherwise)
* Click the Save Settings button. Made

4. Click to configure the Publications menu:

* Address ⇒ Blog * Spot blog content with a friend. Example: column- Rescue, Typically the address is the address to your blog, so do you change.
* Click tombol Save settings. Made

5. Click the Format menu to define the format:

* See ⇒ select the number of entries you want displayed. Mis: Screen: 6 posts, then post that will appear on your blog page friend is a total of six posts. Select the post (not days) in the dropdown menu.
* Date Header Format ⇒ Choose the date or month that you like, the format of the date a month that will always appear on our posts.
* Date format Archive Index ⇒ select the type of lawyer you want a file.
* Time format ⇒ Select the desired time form.
* Time Zone ⇒ Select the appropriate time zone. Example WIT [UTC-7.00] Asia / Jakarta.
* Language ⇒ Select the desired language.
* See title field ⇒ Select Yes
or Not
* Show column links ⇒ select yes, but if you decide not too fine.
* Enable float alignment ⇒ select Yes, but if you want to select is not too thin
* Click the Save Settings button. Made

6. Click Feedback For comments configuration menu:
* Comments ⇒ select the program is that your articles can be commented on by visitors
* Who can comment? ⇒ choose anyone - including anonymous users. This meant that everyone could comment not limited to members blogspot.
* Default to post comments ⇒ select a new post is a comment.
* Link back ⇒ Select the screen. This means we can know if there is a link to our article.
* Backlinks Default for Posts ⇒ select a new input have backlinks.
* The format of Timestamp Comments ⇒ select the time in short format. Example: 8:00 PM.
* See the comments in a popup window? ⇒ select Yes So when the visitor clicks the blog page does not disappear affected page.
* Enable comment moderation? ⇒ select (should be).
* Show word verification for comments? ⇒ select Yes This, in order to prevent the robot software in order to spam.
* Show profile images on comments? ⇒ select yes. So commentators have picture on blogger wrote, you can display the image.
* Email Comments DG content ⇒ Notification e-mail address, this means that each wrote about your article, send an email from blogger.com and notification.
* Click the Save Settings button. Made

7. Click File menu to configure the file:

* Frequency Monthly Archive ⇒ select.
* Enable Post Pages? ⇒ select yes.
* Click the Save Settings button. Made.

8. Click Sites to site feed Fedd regular menu:

* Allow Blog Feed ⇒ select Full.
* Post URL ⇒ Changing the direction of feed in a feed content to address these penggati feed direction of the recorder of food, if you have not, in clear only.
* Post Feed Footer ⇒ Please fill out the ad code that are, for the sample code of Google Adsense ads, etc. but if you have not, please clear.
* Click the Save Changes button. Made.

Guide Blog at Blogspot

Monday, January 5, 2009

Perhaps there is among you, you do not know about blogs and thinking about the blog, then I will review some of the blogs on my own version.

1. What is a blog?

Blog (short for web log) is a site that is more personal, more weight to the representation Blog proprietary.
Blog created by designers that work automatically providers and easy to operate, so for those of us who are still confused with the programming language to create a website is not a problem. If you are able to create an email account on the Internet, then in any blog I'm sure you can.

2. How to create a blog

Just like email, a blog we must also keep an account first, so please first register on the blog of free providers (the provider of hosting / domain blog for free). Free blog providers are largely on the Internet and some popular now http://www.blogger.com and http://blogsome.com http://www.wordpress.com.

This time I will check on how the blog http://www.blogger.com, please click the image below to register.
create blog now
Once on the site blogger.com, you will see an image like the image above. Please follow these steps:

1. Click the arrow that says "CREATE YOUR BLOG"
2. Enter your email address with your email address (must be valid)
3. Fill in your e-mail was returned as your E-mail
4. Enter the password you want to form Enter a password
5. Fill in your password again in the form Keyik was reset your password (password)
6. Fill Display Name to the name you want to show
7. Writing an article that appears in the form of the word verification. Put a tick / check the box on the edge of writing and accept the Terms of Service.
8. Click on the arrow image called "CONTINUE"
9. Write a blog title that you want (be the fox again) as Blog Title
10. Type the name of your site as a blog address (URL)
11. Enter the verification text that appears in the verification form, if you are finished, click the arrow that says "Continue".
12. Choose an image (template) you want (be the fox again), then click the arrow that says "CONTINUE"
13. After leaving the words "blog has been created. Click the arrow labeled "start publishing. Please write whatever you want, when you are finished, click the "PUBLISH YOUR POSTING".

3. Content (Content) blog:

To begin with, may be confused after making a list of what the blog content (New) in a blog. Content (the content) of a blog, of course, is to blog owner, if not the content of poetry, the journey of life, engineering, or whatever. Well, here I am suggesting, fill your blog with interest or hobby and his own experience, because, of course, there a lot of the same people who would interest her, and her hobby, so they will be interested in read his writings.

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