Ever thought of converting your blog into a widget ! which can be embedded by the other people on their blogs but at WidgetBox dot com you can create a widget of your blog for others in easy & simple way.
I too created a widget of my blog which today have 33 subscriptions, which means this Works!! & I would recommend it as it's really worth trying. When you build your widget then a code to be placed on your blog is given. After you place the code the visitors on your blog can subscribe to your widget.
WidgetBox not only offer this, you can get & create widgets of many kinds like games, news feed , visitor counter, translator & many more under different tags . You can also place the code of the widget on your blog which will help bring more subscriptions. The widgets created with WidgetBox are compatible with most of the Blogging Platforms like MySpace, Blogger, WordPress,etc.
Here's a Screen shot of my widget :
One important thing to be noted is that always give specific tags to your widget which helps in better SEO & will give you more subscriptions & traffic to your blog.
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