Google Plus to rival the Social Networking leader Facebook

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Google Plus


Everybody knows that when it comes to Internet then only one company seems to be dominating and that is Google. They have grabbed almost all the internet cyberspace with their vast range of products like Gmail for Emails, Google Docs for Documents, Picasa for photos, YouTube for Videos and many more.


But Social Networking is one that has questioned Google’s abilities to launch a successful project that could beat and stand against the undisputed leader of Social Networking today that is Facebook. Google launched Orkut but it didn’t became world’s favorite in front of Facebook and was only constrained to two large markets India and Brazil only. And now it seems Google has finally stepped in by launching Google Plus which is going to be a Social Networking platform to rival Facebook. But again the question remains same “Will it be successful?”.


Google Plus in final phase


Right now the project google plus is in final beta phase and will be soon available to all and you will be able to login using your Google Accounts.


Google Plus is going to have something called Friend Circles which will allow you manage your friends list better and it is also going to have chat plus video calls which is definitely going to make Facebook add the feature of Video calls.  Just have a look at this video and take a look on the Creativity of what Google has to offer:



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How to check which Adsense ads are displayed on your blog

Monday, June 27, 2011


Adsense Sandbox

AdSense Sandbox is an amazing tool by Digital Inspiration which helps you to know which type of Google Ads will be displayed on your blog using your keywords and geo targeting.


You just have to put your blog url or the keywords on which you want to see the related ads, you can also choose any Country if you want to filter the results by any particular location like you may choose India and then it will show only those ads targeted in India.


My blog's ad preivew in sandbox

Here’s a small preview of my blog’s ads


It’s a great tool to manipulate and preview the ads shown on your blog, because you can change the ads by just modifying the keywords. It shows you all type of ads like image, video and textual ads of all sizes, based on your query.


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What are Do-Follow links and No-Follow links

Friday, June 24, 2011



Making a blog popular is really a hard job and it needs a lot of effort. And if you have been trying to improve your blog’s traffic and visitors, then you must have heard the Do-Follow and No-Follow links on many websites and you might be wondering what the heck are these terms made for, even I was not aware of these strange words but believe me understanding them can help you get a lot of unique traffic to your blog.


There are 2 types of links Do-Follow Links and No-Follow Links :


Do-Follow Links: The links we generally use but are unaware of them are Do-Follow links.


For example this link Google is written as :


<a href="">Google</a>


These links are pretty normal in use.


No-Follow Links: These links are also very similar to the normal links but have one small difference in writing their HTML code which is the rel=”nofollow” attribute.


For example this link Google is written as a No-Follow link as :


<a href="" rel="nofollow">Google</a>


You can see that Do-Follow link and No-Follow link look same except for the rel attribute used in No-Follow link.


What are really Do-Follow and No-Follow links?


The more you have do-follow links to your blog from other blogs and blog directories, the more your website becomes popular and stands a good chance to get a higher Page Rank from Google. If a blog has page rank 6 and t has your blog’s link which is a do-follow link then your website is getting a piece of his Page Rank Cake too! and the value of your link in the Search Engines increases which helps in driving more traffic to your blog from Search Engines because these links are visible to Search Engines.


However no-follow links are just the opposite of Do-Follow links, these links don’t give any benefit to the website to which they link to. So you cannot expect any Page Rank increase or traffic increase from these links. They are only confined to single website and are not crawled by the Search Engine Spiders, which simply means that these links are not visible to Search Engines. So No-Follow links are of no use to your blog if you are doing a SEO of your blog.


So if you want to increase visitors and traffic to your blog then you should consider getting a backlink from Do-Follow websites.


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Now Facebook Chat on Skype !

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Now Skype has integrated the Facebook Chat inside it which allows you to chat with your friends through the Skype application. Its available as a beta version from the skype website but we can expect full release soon. You can have a glimpse of Facebook Chat on Skype by downloading the Skype 5.5 beta version. Enjoy!..

How to enable Mobile Blogger Templates for Blogger blogs

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mobile Template version of my blog

Blogger has launched a new feature for blogger blogs with which you can give a different view of your blog to the mobile web users. Now you can enable the mobile template for your blog which shows your blog in a more simple way without any big images, animations and advertisements on mobile devices.


You don’t have to make any changes to your current blogger template, all you need to do is enable the setting on your blogger dashboard.


Here’s How to do it:



  • On Dashboard screen click on Settings




  • Go to Email and Mobile Tab.


Settings>Email & Mobile


  • Under Mobile Template choose Yes and you are set.


Click on Yes and enable Mobile Template


  • You can also preview how your blog looks in the mobile template version by clicking the mobile preview or by scanning the QR code with your mobile camera.


What’s different in Mobile Template


The mobile template for blogs just only shows up the posts and the comments from your blog, so that the blog can be easily viewed in any mobile browsers like Iphone Safari, Android and others.


So whenever someone open your blog from Mobile device, they will see the mobile version not the original version. Remember, No other links, buttons, ads and any other stuff on your blog are shown up in mobile template except those mobile adsense ads which are shown on the top. The full original desktop version can also be viewed by clicking the Web Version link below.


The mobile templates loads up real fast on mobile browsers and it makes the blog to be read easily on small screens of mobile devices.


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Google Doodle shows the longest Lunar Eclipse

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Google did it again!, this time telling us about the Lunar Eclipse. If you are wondering how the Lunar Eclipse is looking then go to Google now!, you can view the live video of the Eclipse at Google’s YouTube Channel LIVE!. Thanks to GOOGLE! for that amazing view.. CHEERS! :) .

How to add +1 button to blogger blog posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Google +1 Button

The new Google +1 button can be seen on many websites and blogs these days and is becoming quite popular on Blogger as well as Wordpress blogs. The button is like other Digg Buttons and Reddit buttons we see on many other blogs.


How it works


Learn what is the this +1 button all about


Every time you press the +1 button, 1 is added to the count which shows that it is being liked by other bloggers over the web. You will need a Google Account to be able to click on +1 button.


How to add +1 button to Blogger blogsTall Google +1 Button


  • Login to your Blogger Blog


  • On Dashboard screen click on Design

click on Design tab



  • Now click on Edit HTML on top tabs.
    Click on Edit HTML to see the HTML code


  • Click on Expand Widget Templates to show up the complete HTML template code.

Expand your Template to view the full code


  • Now find the </head> tag inside the HTML code of your blog and place the following code just before this tag:


    <script type="text/javascript" src=""> {lang: 'en-US'} </script>


  • Now again find <data:post.body/> and paste the code below to display the button on left or right of post body by changing the value of float:left or right.

    <div style='float:right'>

    <g:plusone size="tall" expr:href="data:post.url"/>


  • Click on Save Template and now you can see a +1 button on your posts.


  • You can also choose other different +1 buttons like small,standard just click here


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Google gets a Guitar Doodle in remembrance of Les Paul

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Its like everyday google changes its logo to something new if it’s a festival or to remember a person, incident which you don’t even remember but Google does. Sometimes I miss Google’s original logo lol hehehe Smile. Google got another interesting doodle, this time it’s a guitar to mark the birthday of Les Paul an American jazz and country guitarist, songwriter and inventor. Learn more about him, click here


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Where to buy kitchen equipment for your new House or Restaurant

June 9, 2010




Are you looking for furniture and other stuff for your new house but are confused where to look for it. Then is answer to your question. It is often very difficult to find an all in one store which have all the things which you need at one place, but finally an online store like is here to help you out. You can search and buy most of the common restaurant equipment from this online shop and get them delivered at your doorstep.


What does the online store have in for you


Tiger Chef is the largest supplier of restaurant equipment and the kitchen accessories.Currently they have more than 15,000 items and more are added every week.  Tiger Chef has everything from kitchen equipment like utensils to every restaurant equipment like Refrigeration & Freezer, Disposables and much more, all this at great prices upto 70% off. It is offering more than 250,000 unique items through direct sales. 


1579_hp_cat 1225_hp_cat



You can find restaurant equipment such as :


  • Bakery, Banquet, Bar Supplies,Barbeque Supplies
  • Buffet, Catering Supplies, Chef's Accessories, Disposables
  • Food Prep, Furniture & Signage, Giftware, Refrigeration & Freezer
  • Residential, Restaurant Equipment, Smallwares
  • Specials, Tabletop, Transport & Storage


All the categories of above restaurant equipment has further sub categories to choose from. Tiger Chef helps you find the product you need in an easy way as the navigation is easy on the online store.




Tiger Chef allows you to use Credit Cards without any risk as its an authorized Verfied merchant.




In case you have some difficulty finding a product or any other query then Tiger Chef’s online customer support is there to help you. The Tiger Chef also have their blog which gives keeps the customers updated with anything new and gives tips on buying the best.


Become an Affiliate


You can earn money with your website if you become a Tiger Chef Affiliate as you get a share of every sale made from your website.

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