Create a Link

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

In the world of blogs, of course you are not familiar with the name link. If you're a blogger (blog builders), of course, make a link is a must. Unlike the site in general, in the blog universe as there is a link exchange or exchange links with other blogs, so if you can not make a link, this may result in you will be exiled aliases on ignore by other bloggers because it is considered stingy in provide a link. The topic of this link, I'll in some sub-parts, namely:

Links on the post-

If you created an article for the post, then in his want of make a link, suppose that the article talks about a business that you follow on a website on the internet, then you would like to invite readers to visit the website of the article you mentioned. Suppose that in the article, there are words like your If you are interested please click here, well to make a link from these words please follow the following steps:

1. Highlight the words that wanted to make a link, the example above is click here.

2. Click on the icon picture like this which is located on the toolbar, then after that will appear in a new window http:// writings are shaped like the image below:

3. Fill in the text box that appears with a website address you want, for example:

4. Click OK. Completed

Links with New Window

Monday, May 24, 2010

Maybe you have a mind, if you make a link then the reader clicks it, your blog visitors when we will leave our blog. To minimize the problem, can be done by making the new window, so when a visitor clicks on one link that we make, we do not blog pages are crushed with a new page but what happens is that your blog page still exist and new pages will appear at the click separate. As an example, please click on Recipes you Business or Sale plus a header on the banner above. When you click it, it will generate a new window. To create a link like this can be done by way of:

1. If already do I create a link like the above description, click on the Edit HTML tab on the toolbar.

2. In earlier writings we link will appear like this code (for example in the link text click here to

a href="">clik here

so here you have to add a frill HTML code target = "new" or target = "_blank" at the beginning or end of code. Example of code that has been in the modification are:

a href="" target="new">clik here


a href="" target="new">clik here


a href="" target="_blank">clik here

Create Links in the Sidebar

Sunday, May 23, 2010

If you wish to make a link to your friends in the sidebar, the easiest way is like this: (for classic templates)

1. Sign in blogger with your id

2. Click on TEMPLATE

3. Click Edit HTML

4. Click Edit

5. Clicking Find (on this page) ... -> to speed up search

6. Write the word where you want the place, for example on my blog is Links of the Companions, click Find

7. Write the link that you want, eg if you want to make a link to my blog, the code was written by:

a href="" target="_blank"> Blog Rescue

8. Click Save Template Changes. Completed

Create a Link New Blogger

Saturday, May 22, 2010

To your new Blogger users, there is a difference in making the link, please follow these steps:

1. Log in blogger with your ID

2. Click the Layout menu

3. Click Page Elements

4. Click Add a Page Element

5. Click ADD TO BLOG link on the menu list

6. Write the title link in the Title field in the form. It is an example in my blog "link partners" or whatever you please

7. Fill in the number of links you want to show on your blog in the form Number of Links to show in list, if you want to limit the number of links that will be displayed, if you do not want to restrict in the blank please.

8. Sorting on the form, please select the sort Alphabetically if you want your link in sort by alphabet letters (starting from A -> Z), or select revers Alphabetically sort if you want a link that you make in sort in reverse order (starting from Z - > A). If you do not want them, ie links that appear in accordance with which you created, please select Do not Sort

9. Write the address in the URL that will link New Site URL on the form. Example: http: / /

10. Write a name or word you want appears on the link that you've made to form the New Site Name. examples: Blog Rescue.

11. Click the Add link, if you create a link more than one. Please fill in all the forms in accordance with the steps above.

12. Click SAVE CHANGES when finished

13. If you want to put your links for you, please point your mouse to the box you create a new link, then press and hold the mouse while on the move to a place that you want (in drag & drop).

14. Click SAVE. Completed

Google’s gets new Avatar with its first playable Doodle to celebrate PAC MAN’s 30th Birthday

Friday, May 21, 2010



Hello people just check out Google's new Doodle. This new doodle has the PAC Man game inside it. It’s Google’s first logo which is a game itself. The I m Feeling Lucky button is replaced by Insert Coin to let two people play the game at same time with keyboard and mouse.




So check out your Google page now!! and if you are gettin’ bored and have nothing to search then start playing now. It’s for 24 hour only … So be quick and move you ass up and start playin’.. :) he he..



Chill and Enjoy…


Thank you GOOGLE!! we love YOU!..



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Link Title

Perhaps you are confused, the title of co discussion on this topic titled Link title? To clarify this discussion, please return to the page you are on this blog and then point your mouse to writing a business recipe, try to set aside for a moment on that link, so no posts will appear soon Want to learn to make their own website please click here. Well now you probably already know what I mean, so there is a link words to emphasize your invitation to readers to click on the link. To make the title of this link is very easy, ie you only need to add the title = "..." on the link that you have created. I gave examples such as above:

a href=""new" title="learn to make their own website please click on Recipes here"> business

Put the clock in the Sidebar

Thursday, May 20, 2010

And for those of you who want to blog in pairs clock too, please follow the following steps:

1. Please visit the site

2. If you're already on the site, please click on Want a clock on your Website?

3. Please see the first model from the available hours, starting from Analogue, Animal, Animation, etc.

4. If in a sense already found a model clock you like, click on View the HTML tags that are under an hour you'd like

5. Click the button marked Accept

6. Select the appropriate time to place next to your timezone. Example: for the western
Indonesian select GMT +7:00

7. Set the size of the clock next to your preferred size

8. Copy HTML code given in the notepad

9. Paste the HTML code in the copy was in the place you want

10. Completed

Create Animated Banners

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

In order for our blog appear more attractive and dynamic, one way is by displaying banners with banner animasi. because animation, the eye of the visitor will be instantly drawn to the banner, especially if you are a businessman, would be more effective animated banners for advertising that we put on appeal with the usual banners. How to create an animated banner is so easy, like a free there, willing to pay also .But course there are advantages and disadvantages.

for those of you who are interested in a free animated banner, you can visit the Please list (Free), If it's accepted that you just select the banner is served, then ya get in to the blog to stay in, like in the sidebar or in the post would be. For help on your installation please read the previous posts how to insert HTML code into your blog.

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