This tutorial shows you how to create widgets or boxes with scrollbars. When the contents in the widget exceed a certain specified height or width, there will be a vertical or horizontal scrollbar to enable users to read the contents that overflow or exceed the box area. This scrolling element is especially useful for our Link List or Labels widget which may be very lengthy. It reduces the total
Three Columns Dots Template
If your Blog is using a Dots or Dots Dark Template, you can consider adding another sidebar, making it a 3 column Dots Template. Because the dots in the background image are well-spaced, we thought it won't look nice having another column. However, after inserting the third column and making adjustments to several settings, we were pleased to see that a three column Dots or Dots Dark Template
Feedburner - FeedCount Chicklet Text
Feedburner is a very popular feed aggregator and provides a host of services which you can tap on to publicize and promote your Blog. One widely used service is their FeedCount Chicklet which displays your Blog Feed's circulation statistics. The chicklet can be static (displaying the number of “readers”) or animated (showing the number of “readers” via feed). Although you can change the
Three Columns Sand Dollar Template
The Blogger Sand Dollar template takes up the full browser width and has a nice color scheme. Some people may find that the empty space in the sidebar can be put to better use. We can add another sidebar to the right and this tutorial will show you how to convert your Sand Dollar layout into a three column template.Here, we are specifically dealing with 3 column Sand Dollar templates. If you
Customize Video Upload in Blogger
We wrote an article some time back suggesting how you can Add Video to Blogs. We highlighted two popular video hosts – Google Video and YouTube. Just yesterday (Aug 24, 2007) Blogger released its new Video Upload feature from its Blogger in Draft. There is now an icon in your Post Editor allowing you to upload a video into your post, in the same manner as you would for photos. At the moment,
Images not shown in Internet Explorer
Sometimes, the photos, images, pictures or graphics do not show or display in a website in Internet Explorer (“IE”) browser or an email in MS Outlook Express. Instead, where the pictures ought to be, there is a Red X or a placeholder.Several factors could have caused this problem of images not being displayed in IE. In this Help guide, we'll look at these reasons and the solutions to show
Customize and Modify Poll Widget
In this article, we shall suggest some modifications to the CSS template to change the appearance of the Poll widget to something eye-catching and attention-grabbing. For example, we can add background colors or images to the Polls widget and change the font and border colors. These should draw the attention of your readers to the Poll and put some buzz into the Blog.In case you are not aware,
Sticky Posts in Blogger
In this article, we learn how to create sticky posts or have an article permanently displayed on your Home page and above the Blog Posts. This is useful if you want readers to see a particular post, message, announcement or text whenever they visit the site. It could be an earlier popular post. In all Blog platforms, new posts are always shown first and older posts are archived. With a simple
Make Blog Private and Unsearchable
Many people write blogs to share their thoughts with everybody and anybody. However, you may also use your Blog as an online diary, penning very personal and private thoughts. Like all diaries, you can either allow a select few persons to view the Blog or allow no one but yourself the right to view it. Also, you may not want it to be indexed by search engines, so that people searching for it
Manage Blogger Image Storage Space
We have uploaded a fair number of pictures and graphics onto our Blogs. However, this is nothing compared to some blogs which have hundreds and thousands of photos in their archives. As we know by now, any service, be it web host or email provider, that comes free will not allow you unlimited bandwidth or storage space. Google has a cap on its storage space too. In this article, we shall
Recent Comments and Recent Posts Widgets
Recent Comments WidgetAdding a Recent Comments widget into your sidebar is a way of acknowledging the readers' feedback and giving their comments a prominent place in the main page of your Blog. It also makes it easier for them to check for replies to their questions and for other readers to follow up on topics which they may find interesting. This widget is especially useful if you have
Tables – HTML Basics and Tutorial
In this article, we shall learn how to create tables in our Blog posts or as a part of our web design layout. This guide covers the usual HTML attributes and styles that can be applied to tables. Tables add a different dimension to displaying your contents and whether you have a football match fixture, menu, and song, price or grocery lists, putting them in a table format is certainly neater.Most
Three Columns Denim Template
We continue with our series of 3 column templates tutorials, this time outlining the steps to take to convert the 4 standard Denim Blogger Templates – Denim, Washed Denim, Stretch Denim and Stretch Denim Light - into three column templates. Where necessary, we shall reduce the extra space in both the left and right margins of the templates and add a new sidebar. Since we are only expanding the
Horizontal Menu and Navigation Bar
Many web designs use horizontal menu bar and navigation lists which allow users to easily access the pertinent information in their website. While Blogger makes it simple for you to create a link list through their “Add a Page Element” function, the list is displayed vertically. We shall discuss how you can change that into a horizontal link list, and more specifically, use that as a navigation
Header Image and Title Alignment (II)
We continue from where we left off at Header Image and Title Alignment (I). This guide is for those who have uploaded images into their Headers, and want to move the pictures to the center, left or right side of the Headers. In this tutorial, you will also learn how to adjust the margins for the Title and Description in the Headers. The first part of our article covered the Minima, Denim,
Header Image and Title Alignment (I)
We created this Blog using the new beta Blogger template. At that time, there was no easy way to insert images into the Blogger Header. We had therefore written an article on inserting a Banner or Picture Link in the Blogger Header. Recently, Blogger introduced a new feature in their templates, allowing owners to upload pictures into their Blog Headers. This background image to the Blogger
Social Bookmarking Links in Blogger
In this article, we shall provide the code for you to place into the template to have a line of icon/ button links or text links to popular social bookmarking sites like Digg, Technorati,, Reddit, Blinklist, Furl, Yahoo, Simpy, etc. Readers can click them to add your site or your post to their bookmarks and in sharing these links with others, your Blog becomes more visible. This