Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Label: fixed background, Movies, XML
Background Image for Blogger Template
With this guide, you would be able to add a background image or picture to your Blog, customize the position of your image, and have a static background image that stays in place when you scroll through the contents of your blog.You will need to create an image. Find a picture you like. If you need a free photo editing tool, you can either search the net for one or use Google's Photo Editing
Add Picture Banner Link to Blogger Header
Update:With the latest Blogger feature, there is an easier way to insert a background image to replace your Blogger Header. The image is also clickable and links to your Blog's main index page. The steps are discussed in the article Background Image for Blogger Header (New).However, by using the new feature, the image appears in the center, as a background to the title. For those who want
Add Picture Banner Link to Blogger Header
Update:With the latest Blogger feature, there is an easier way to insert a background image to replace your Blogger Header. The image is also clickable and links to your Blog's main index page. The steps are discussed in the article Background Image for Blogger Header (New).However, by using the new feature, the image appears in the center, as a background to the title. For those who want
Add Digg button to Blogger or Blogspot
This is a step-by-step guide to automatically place a real-time Digg count and vote button to every single blog post. Digg is a social content website where your readers or you can submit content to. If you have a good story, members will 'digg' the post and write comments. As a blog owner, you may want to make it easy for and encourage your readers to submit and digg your articles.Automatic
Add Digg button to Blogger or Blogspot
This is a step-by-step guide to automatically place a real-time Digg count and vote button to every single blog post. Digg is a social content website where your readers or you can submit content to. If you have a good story, members will 'digg' the post and write comments. As a blog owner, you may want to make it easy for and encourage your readers to submit and digg your articles.Automatic
Hide or Remove Navbar in Blogger
The Blogger or Blogspot Navbar is a default feature that appears at the top of every Blogger powered blog. It is a useful navigation tool which allows readers to search the blog for targeted content, mark the blog as objectionable, and randomly view other member blogs.The Navbar can be disabled for users who publish contents via FTP, but it will appear on all freely hosted BlogSpot blogs. While
Add Video Clip to Blog
Update: Blogger released a new Add Video feature which allows you to upload videos into your Blog posts. Should you want to know more about it, or resize or align the video, or put it into the sidebar, you may follow our guide in Customize Video Upload in Blogger.This is a step-by-step guide on how to add a video or movie clip to your Blog or webpage. There are many sites that offer free video
Language Translation Flags and Script
This tutorial explains how you can add a script to allow readers to view your English site in other foreign languages. As you can see on the right of this page, a reader needs only to click the relevant country flag to read this site contents in his preferred language.English is not the most popular language in the world. In fact, according to many reports, the Chinese language (Mandarin) is
Add Google Talk To Your Blog
The Google Talk Gadget lets you send instant messages, transfer files, make voice calls (to other Google Talk users) and leave voicemail messages. If you paste a Picasa Web Album or YouTube URL into a chat session, the gadget gives you an instant preview of the photos and videos.
Label: Widgets
Recent comments widget
";txtarea.value = txtarea.value + "\";txtarea.value = txtarea.value + "\";var addbutton = document.getElementsByName("go")[0];addbutton.disabled = false;}function defaultvalues() {document.getElementsByName("widget.title")[0].value = "Recent Comments";document.getElementsByName("ia_rc")[0].value = "5";document.getElementsByName("ishowdate")[0].checked = true;document.getElementsByName("ishowtitle")[0].checked = true;document.getElementsByName("inumchars")[0].value = "100";document.getElementsByName("style")[0].checked = true;document.getElementsByName("style")[1].checked = false;document.getElementsByName("go")[0].disabled = true;}
Label: Widgets