How to Settings Your Blog

Saturday, January 10, 2009

For the friend who just made a blog, there are some adjustments and preferences that must be done so that our blog can be identified as the search engine Google, Yahoo, MSN and other friends. If you do not know what the configuration, please follow these steps:

1. Please Login to mate with a user name and password of my friend
2. Click the blog title is not in the configuration (if my friend already has several blogs)
3. Click Settings, click the ETR base. Some form must be filled in the basic menu:

* Title ⇒ blog content with the title of his companion. Example: Blog Rescue
* ⇒ Description Blog content with a description of my friend. Example: Here we will share experiences and knowledge on the blog
* Add your blog to our list? ⇒ Select Yes for each position that are always on the list of
* That the search engines find your blog? ⇒ Select Yes
* Show Quick Editing on your blog? ⇒ select Yes
* Show Email Post Links? ⇒ must select yes, but choose not too thin
* Adult content? ⇒ select NO. If you select "Yes", your blog is considered a blog for adults (a kind of porn blog)
* Display mode composition for all of your blog? ⇒ select Yes
* Enable transliteration? ⇒ Select No, if you want a button to change the letters used in Hindi (India), select Yes, otherwise)
* Click the Save Settings button. Made

4. Click to configure the Publications menu:

* Address ⇒ Blog * Spot blog content with a friend. Example: column- Rescue, Typically the address is the address to your blog, so do you change.
* Click tombol Save settings. Made

5. Click the Format menu to define the format:

* See ⇒ select the number of entries you want displayed. Mis: Screen: 6 posts, then post that will appear on your blog page friend is a total of six posts. Select the post (not days) in the dropdown menu.
* Date Header Format ⇒ Choose the date or month that you like, the format of the date a month that will always appear on our posts.
* Date format Archive Index ⇒ select the type of lawyer you want a file.
* Time format ⇒ Select the desired time form.
* Time Zone ⇒ Select the appropriate time zone. Example WIT [UTC-7.00] Asia / Jakarta.
* Language ⇒ Select the desired language.
* See title field ⇒ Select Yes
or Not
* Show column links ⇒ select yes, but if you decide not too fine.
* Enable float alignment ⇒ select Yes, but if you want to select is not too thin
* Click the Save Settings button. Made

6. Click Feedback For comments configuration menu:
* Comments ⇒ select the program is that your articles can be commented on by visitors
* Who can comment? ⇒ choose anyone - including anonymous users. This meant that everyone could comment not limited to members blogspot.
* Default to post comments ⇒ select a new post is a comment.
* Link back ⇒ Select the screen. This means we can know if there is a link to our article.
* Backlinks Default for Posts ⇒ select a new input have backlinks.
* The format of Timestamp Comments ⇒ select the time in short format. Example: 8:00 PM.
* See the comments in a popup window? ⇒ select Yes So when the visitor clicks the blog page does not disappear affected page.
* Enable comment moderation? ⇒ select (should be).
* Show word verification for comments? ⇒ select Yes This, in order to prevent the robot software in order to spam.
* Show profile images on comments? ⇒ select yes. So commentators have picture on blogger wrote, you can display the image.
* Email Comments DG content ⇒ Notification e-mail address, this means that each wrote about your article, send an email from and notification.
* Click the Save Settings button. Made

7. Click File menu to configure the file:

* Frequency Monthly Archive ⇒ select.
* Enable Post Pages? ⇒ select yes.
* Click the Save Settings button. Made.

8. Click Sites to site feed Fedd regular menu:

* Allow Blog Feed ⇒ select Full.
* Post URL ⇒ Changing the direction of feed in a feed content to address these penggati feed direction of the recorder of food, if you have not, in clear only.
* Post Feed Footer ⇒ Please fill out the ad code that are, for the sample code of Google Adsense ads, etc. but if you have not, please clear.
* Click the Save Changes button. Made.


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