Difference - HTML and XHTML

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

When inserting codes into the Blogger template, page element, or blog post, you may have seen error messages that the code could not be parsed, was not well-formed, was broken, or that the elements were not closed properly. These errors can be corrected if you understand the rules that must be adhered to in XHTML documents. Blogger templates use the XHTML 1.0 Strict Document Type. In this

8 more...

Sunday, October 7, 2007



Mush Blue


Blogy Natural


Red White


Blogy Illacrimo








Three Columns Thisaway Template (I)

We have polled readers to find out what Blogger templates they are using so that we can roll out articles pertaining to their templates, such as our 3 column template guides to add another sidebar and convert their existing Blogger templates from two columns to three columns. We have posted the conversion tutorials for the popular templates – Minima, Rounders, Denim, Dots, Scribe and Sand Dollar

Three Columns Thisaway Template (II)

In the earlier Three Columns Thisaway Template (I) article, we have given a how-to guide on changing the Thisaway and Thisaway Blue templates from two-column to three-column templates. In this second part, we shall show you how to add a new sidebar into the Thisaway Green and Thisaway Rose templates. As we had mentioned, before modifying the template, be sure to back up the existing template.

SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization

Monday, October 1, 2007

What are search engine optimization tools, webmaster tools, Google page rank checker, SEO tools, and how can these internet tools help to bring more quality traffic to your Blog? There are many free online web tools that webmasters can use to find out more information about their sites. The tools can also alert the webmasters to possible problems search engines may have with the site's template

Author Comments - Different Styles

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bloggers generally welcome constructive comments and feedback on their posts. Among the ways to encourage comments are to remove the “nofollow” tag and to add a Recent Comments widget into the template. Comments highlight issues that readers might have faced, and the author's reply to these comments may be useful to other readers as well. If you have many comments posted in your blog, it would

Flash Music Player and Music Playlists

Thursday, September 27, 2007

In our earlier article, Add Music to Blogspot Blog, we talked about how music can be played in the background of the blog or through a hyperlink or music console player. Readers had requested for an option to play more than one song via a playlist. We have been looking at cross-browser music players that allow us to display a music playlist of selected musical pieces for Blog readers to listen

Submit Blogger Sitemap to MSN and Ask.com

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

We had explained how to submit Blogger sitemaps to Google and Yahoo!. When the sitemap industry standard was first announced in 2006, Microsoft's MSN was one of the three major search providers which supported the protocol. Submitting your Blog's sitemap to these search engines will enable them to index the pages and contents of the site. Needless to say, having all the pages indexed will

Recent Comments Feed Widget

Monday, September 24, 2007

We wrote earlier about creating Recent Comments and Recent Posts Widgets using Blogger's “Feed” page element. It was a simple method that even non-techie Bloggers can understand and use. In the middle of last month, Blogger did a major change to the GData API and many bloggers suddenly saw broken entries in their feed widgets. Although Blogger has tweaked the Feed widget to make this work

Technorati Tags in Blogger Posts

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Technorati, which indexes some 94 million weblogs, allows blog owners to assign tags to their posts. These tags are essentially words which describe the category that the posts, photos and videos fall under. Visitors can then search these tags to find the relevant blog posts. How can the Technorati tags be inserted into Blogger posts so that they can be indexed by Technorati? Is there a need to

Blogger FAQ and Help Guide

Monday, September 10, 2007

In case you are not already aware, we have been addressing some of our readers' queries through our Tricks for New Bloggers blog. It all started with readers asking questions which are unique to their situations. While we tried to modify our articles to include those situations as well, it was a tall order trying to cover every possible permutation. So as not to disappoint our readers, we set

Add or Remove Borders in CSS Templates

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

We have received a number of queries from people wanting to remove the image borders or add sidebar borders in the CSS layouts. In this article, we cover briefly what the border styles in CSS templates are and where you can find them. With this guide, you will be able to remove the borders around the images, sidebar or main posts, or change the style and color of the borders to match the Blog

Internet Security and Blogger Virus

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The internet was abuzz with talk that Blogger.com site got hacked and was compromised. Blog owners suddenly found fake spam Posts in their Blogs which contained links to virus downloads and data mining sites. Some were faced with inexplicable web page load times and yet others noticed odd codes appearing in their templates. The natural reaction is to blame all these on the people responsible

Add Scrollbars to Blog Widgets

Thursday, August 30, 2007

This tutorial shows you how to create widgets or boxes with scrollbars. When the contents in the widget exceed a certain specified height or width, there will be a vertical or horizontal scrollbar to enable users to read the contents that overflow or exceed the box area. This scrolling element is especially useful for our Link List or Labels widget which may be very lengthy. It reduces the total

Three Columns Dots Template

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

If your Blog is using a Dots or Dots Dark Template, you can consider adding another sidebar, making it a 3 column Dots Template. Because the dots in the background image are well-spaced, we thought it won't look nice having another column. However, after inserting the third column and making adjustments to several settings, we were pleased to see that a three column Dots or Dots Dark Template

Feedburner - FeedCount Chicklet Text

Monday, August 27, 2007

Feedburner is a very popular feed aggregator and provides a host of services which you can tap on to publicize and promote your Blog. One widely used service is their FeedCount Chicklet which displays your Blog Feed's circulation statistics. The chicklet can be static (displaying the number of “readers”) or animated (showing the number of “readers” via feed). Although you can change the

Three Columns Sand Dollar Template

The Blogger Sand Dollar template takes up the full browser width and has a nice color scheme. Some people may find that the empty space in the sidebar can be put to better use. We can add another sidebar to the right and this tutorial will show you how to convert your Sand Dollar layout into a three column template.Here, we are specifically dealing with 3 column Sand Dollar templates. If you

Customize Video Upload in Blogger

Saturday, August 25, 2007

We wrote an article some time back suggesting how you can Add Video to Blogs. We highlighted two popular video hosts – Google Video and YouTube. Just yesterday (Aug 24, 2007) Blogger released its new Video Upload feature from its Blogger in Draft. There is now an icon in your Post Editor allowing you to upload a video into your post, in the same manner as you would for photos. At the moment,

Images not shown in Internet Explorer

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sometimes, the photos, images, pictures or graphics do not show or display in a website in Internet Explorer (“IE”) browser or an email in MS Outlook Express. Instead, where the pictures ought to be, there is a Red X or a placeholder.Several factors could have caused this problem of images not being displayed in IE. In this Help guide, we'll look at these reasons and the solutions to show

Customize and Modify Poll Widget

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

In this article, we shall suggest some modifications to the CSS template to change the appearance of the Poll widget to something eye-catching and attention-grabbing. For example, we can add background colors or images to the Polls widget and change the font and border colors. These should draw the attention of your readers to the Poll and put some buzz into the Blog.In case you are not aware,

Sticky Posts in Blogger

Monday, August 20, 2007

In this article, we learn how to create sticky posts or have an article permanently displayed on your Home page and above the Blog Posts. This is useful if you want readers to see a particular post, message, announcement or text whenever they visit the site. It could be an earlier popular post. In all Blog platforms, new posts are always shown first and older posts are archived. With a simple

Make Blog Private and Unsearchable

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Many people write blogs to share their thoughts with everybody and anybody. However, you may also use your Blog as an online diary, penning very personal and private thoughts. Like all diaries, you can either allow a select few persons to view the Blog or allow no one but yourself the right to view it. Also, you may not want it to be indexed by search engines, so that people searching for it

Manage Blogger Image Storage Space

Friday, August 17, 2007

We have uploaded a fair number of pictures and graphics onto our Blogs. However, this is nothing compared to some blogs which have hundreds and thousands of photos in their archives. As we know by now, any service, be it web host or email provider, that comes free will not allow you unlimited bandwidth or storage space. Google has a cap on its storage space too. In this article, we shall

Recent Comments and Recent Posts Widgets

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Recent Comments WidgetAdding a Recent Comments widget into your sidebar is a way of acknowledging the readers' feedback and giving their comments a prominent place in the main page of your Blog. It also makes it easier for them to check for replies to their questions and for other readers to follow up on topics which they may find interesting. This widget is especially useful if you have

Tables – HTML Basics and Tutorial

Monday, August 13, 2007

In this article, we shall learn how to create tables in our Blog posts or as a part of our web design layout. This guide covers the usual HTML attributes and styles that can be applied to tables. Tables add a different dimension to displaying your contents and whether you have a football match fixture, menu, and song, price or grocery lists, putting them in a table format is certainly neater.Most

Three Columns Denim Template

Sunday, August 12, 2007

We continue with our series of 3 column templates tutorials, this time outlining the steps to take to convert the 4 standard Denim Blogger Templates – Denim, Washed Denim, Stretch Denim and Stretch Denim Light - into three column templates. Where necessary, we shall reduce the extra space in both the left and right margins of the templates and add a new sidebar. Since we are only expanding the

Horizontal Menu and Navigation Bar

Friday, August 10, 2007

Many web designs use horizontal menu bar and navigation lists which allow users to easily access the pertinent information in their website. While Blogger makes it simple for you to create a link list through their “Add a Page Element” function, the list is displayed vertically. We shall discuss how you can change that into a horizontal link list, and more specifically, use that as a navigation

Header Image and Title Alignment (II)

Sunday, August 5, 2007

We continue from where we left off at Header Image and Title Alignment (I). This guide is for those who have uploaded images into their Headers, and want to move the pictures to the center, left or right side of the Headers. In this tutorial, you will also learn how to adjust the margins for the Title and Description in the Headers. The first part of our article covered the Minima, Denim,

Header Image and Title Alignment (I)

We created this Blog using the new beta Blogger template. At that time, there was no easy way to insert images into the Blogger Header. We had therefore written an article on inserting a Banner or Picture Link in the Blogger Header. Recently, Blogger introduced a new feature in their templates, allowing owners to upload pictures into their Blog Headers. This background image to the Blogger

Social Bookmarking Links in Blogger

Thursday, August 2, 2007

In this article, we shall provide the code for you to place into the template to have a line of icon/ button links or text links to popular social bookmarking sites like Digg, Technorati, del.icio.us, Reddit, Blinklist, Furl, Yahoo, Simpy, etc. Readers can click them to add your site or your post to their bookmarks and in sharing these links with others, your Blog becomes more visible. This

Three Columns Rounders 4 Template

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Here, we cover the steps taken to change a Blogger Rounders 4 template into a three column template. Unlike the other Rounders templates, Rounders 4 has an additional picture in the Header which should be enlarged to accommodate the new blog width. When you are at Template -> Edit HTML, look for “Blogger Template Style”. If the Name of your template is “Rounders 4”, follow this guide to

Three Columns Rounders 3 Template

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This is our tutorial specifically for those who are using the Blogger Rounders 3 Template and would like to add a third column or new sidebar into their template. To confirm what your template is, go to Template -> Edit HTML and look for “Blogger Template Style”. If the Name is “Rounders 3”, follow this guide to customize your template to a three column Rounders 3 template.For other templates,

Three Columns Rounders 2 Template

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

We had written an article on converting the Blogger Rounders template into three columns. Since the graphics for the Rounders 2, 3 and 4 are different, we shall in this article discuss specifically the changes to be made if you want to insert a third column into your Rounders 2 Template. If you are unsure as to what your template is, go to Template -> Edit HTML and look for “Blogger Template

Three Columns Scribe Template

Monday, July 23, 2007

We have been receiving a number of queries by users who wish to insert a third column into their Blogger templates but are using other templates like Scribe, Denim, Thisaway, No. 897, and so on. We have therefore set up a test blog using a different template each time and converted them into three column templates. In this article, we shall outline how you can add a third column or a second

AdSense Product Referrals in Blogger

Thursday, July 19, 2007

If you have an AdSense account, this latest launch of Google AdSense Referrals 2.0 is something you must look at. In addition to the traditional Google products, there is now a very long and varied list of products that you can include in your Blogs and offer your readers. In contextual ad targeting, the AdSense ads that appear in your Blog may not always be relevant, especially if you do not

Alert Message and Dialog Box

Monday, July 16, 2007

You can display an alert message box to give a special announcement, provide information, or warn the readers before they view the full contents of your site. The pop up box will contain your message and have an “OK” button for viewers to proceed, or a prompt or cancel button to redirect readers to another site. We can further customize our Blog by asking for the reader's name and inserting

Numbered List and Bulleted List

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Blogger's post editor gives you one number style for an Ordered (Numbered) list and one bullet style for an Unordered (Bulleted) list. Here, we shall let you know how you can change these styles to add variation to your posts. We shall also discuss how links can be incorporated into such lists and how a marquee tag can be added to make the list scroll.Ordered (Numbered) ListWe like to use

Prevent Content Theft and Copyright Infringement

Monday, July 9, 2007

How annoying it is, spending an awful amount of time researching and writing articles for your Blog, only to find out that some people have stolen your articles and reproduced them in their blogs as though they wrote them. Over the weekend, we decided to take action against one of the several “thieves” and we relate our experience here so that you have an idea how you should proceed when you

Faster Web Page Load Time

Friday, July 6, 2007

We share with you what we have been doing to improve the page loading time of our Blog. If a web page takes too long a time to load, the readers will simply hop on to another site. Making it load quickly also saves the dial-up internet users' money and time. While it is true that the download time depends on the readers' internet connection speed, we can as Blog owners tweak our layout and

Status Message and Older Post picture link

Monday, June 18, 2007

This tutorial covers 2 aspects. First, we shall customize the template to remove the status message “Showing posts for query link. Show all posts” appearing at the top of the posts when you enter a search word in the Blogger Navigation bar. Secondly, in the previous article, we discussed the ways to remove or hide the Newer Posts, Home, and Newer Posts links at the bottom of every post. We

Post Footer – Customize Template (I)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

In this tutorial, we discuss the various ways you can customize the Post Footer and change the Blogger template. The steps will cover how to change the “Posted by author”, “Comments”, “Labels” links in the Post Footer, replacing them with other names or pictures.This is how a typical Post Footer looks like. It includes the author's name, time of the post, number of comments, number of backlinks

Post Footer – Customize Template (I)

In this tutorial, we discuss the various ways you can customize the Post Footer and change the Blogger template. The steps will cover how to change the “Posted by author”, “Comments”, “Labels” links in the Post Footer, replacing them with other names or pictures.This is how a typical Post Footer looks like. It includes the author's name, time of the post, number of comments, number of backlinks

Post Footer – Customize Template (II)

We continue from where we left off in Post Footer – Customize Template (I). In the first part, we went through how you can change and customize the appearance of the “Posted by author” link and replace it with another name or picture. You could also remove the timestamp if you want. In this part, we continue with customization of the “Comments”, “Labels” and other icons shown in the Blogger

Submit RSS Feeds and Pings

Friday, June 8, 2007

In this article, we list all the Feed Directories to which you can submit your feeds for Free. We shall also list the Ping services that you can use to ping whenever you update your Blog. This should help increase awareness of your new articles and attract more readers to your Blog. As the list is ever-growing, you might want to consider bookmarking this page as we shall update the list whenever

Scrolling Text - Marquee HTML Code

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

This HTML term Marquee is used to create a scrolling or sliding text. The text can move across the screen horizontally or vertically at a certain speed determined by you. Note, however, that while it looks nice to have scrolling announcements, advertisements, quotations, or links, having too much animation in your Blog may distract and irritate your readers. We had earlier created a line of

Add an image to your blogger header

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Three Columns Rounders Template

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

This article is specifically catered to those using the “Rounders” template and wish to add a third column or another sidebar to their current template.If you are using other templates, please refer to our articles and guides on:-1. Three Columns Denim Template;2. Three Columns Dots Template;3. Three Columns Minima Template;4. Three Columns Rounders 2 Template;5. Three Columns Rounders 3 Template

Links - Hover and Rollover Effects

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Add an identity to your Blog by customizing the text links in your post and sidebars with nice rollover effects, colors and highlights. Learn how to remove the underline under the links. For the purpose of this article, we have changed our template such that you will see a different text color when your cursor is over the links, and a highlighted background color when the cursor is over the

Links, Labels open in New Window

Friday, May 18, 2007

In our previous articles, we discussed the code for making the text and image links in your Posts open in new windows or tabs when clicked. However, to have the links in a Link List and Labels that are normally in the sidebar widgets open in new browser windows or tabs, you would need to change the HTML code in your template. Here, we shall talk about the hack that you can put into your

Blog Widgets, Gadgets and Add-ons (I)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

In this series, we shall list the free, popular, and interesting web widgets and gadgets that you can consider adding to your Blog. Widgets are elements that extract the services or content from other sites. Some of these widgets are useful, providing your readers with news, information, and reference tips. Others may be just fun and games which make your Blog a little more interesting and

Blog Widgets, Gadgets and Add-ons (II)

This is a continued list of Blog Widgets, Gadgets and Add-ons which you can include into your Blog. If you have not read the first part, please check out Blog Widgets, Gadgets and Add-ons (I). You may also consider having a chatbox, shoutbox or message board on your Blog. We ended with AuctionAds which can earn you some extra revenue. We begin this second part with a fun widget that you can


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ratatouille ("Rat-a-too-ee") is a traditional French Provençal stewed vegetable dish which can be served as a meal on its own (accompanied by rice, potatoes, or simply French bread), or as a side dish. Tomatoes are a key ingredient, with onions, courgettes (zucchini), aubergine (eggplant), bell peppers, a little herb de provence, and sometimes basil. All the ingredients are sautéed in olive oil. Adding plenty of fresh coriander adds much flavor to the dish.
The movie Ratatouille tells the success story of an unlikely hero; a rat named Rémy who finds himself in a Parisian restaurant made famous by an eccentric French chef, Auguste Gusteau. Rémy is not only a gourmet (so quite an outsider among his kinfolk), but aims to become a fine chef. This far-reaching ambition, incredibly enough, he achieves.
This XML template include a 9 minutes preview of the film.

Background Image for Blogger Header (New)

We had recently noticed several changes and additional features to the Blogger layout. One of the notable and much welcomed change is the ease of adding a picture banner or image to the Blogger Header, as highlighted by our reader, dumper. The new steps covered in this article will supercede the previous articles titled “Background image for Blogger Header” and “Add Picture Banner Link to

Shrek the Third

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Shrek the Third has Shrek and Fiona watching over their kingdom of Far Far Away, now that King Harold is a frog, yet Shrek feels that he never cares about his friends. When King Harold falls ill and is dying, Shrek and Fiona determine that if they can find a suitable heir to the throne of Far Far Away and bring him back, they can leave their current lifestyles behind and return to their swamp. The most promising candidate for the position of king is Fiona's cousin, Arthur (Artie) who proves to be much more of a problem than Shrek, Donkey, and Puss had bargained for...

At World's End, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 template

Monday, May 7, 2007

After Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, and Captain Barbossa rescue Captain Jack Sparrow from the clutches of the Kraken, they must face their foes, Davy Jones and Lord Cutler Beckett. Beckett, now with control of Jones' heart, forms a dark alliance with him in order to rule the seas and wipe out the last of the Pirates. Now, Jack, Barbossa, Will, Elizabeth, Tia Delma, and crew must call the Pirate Lords from the four corners of the globe, including the infamous Sao Feng, to a gathering that will make their final stand against Beckett, Jones, Norrington, the Flying Dutchman, and the entire East India Trading Company...

The movie trailer HD is included in the header of this XML template.

Pictobrowser, embed a Flickr Slideshow

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Random Header and Background Images

A reader CeElle asked how the Header banner and Blogger background picture can be rotated so that they show a different image every time the page is refreshed or reloaded. While we could use the format of a slide show, the timing of rotation would be fixed. We think we have a simple enough JavaScript that randomly calls for a new Header banner or Blog background image whenever the Blog is

Remove Older Post and Posts (Atom) Links

Friday, May 4, 2007

In the new default Blogger templates, you will see at the bottom of the page the words “Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)”. On every other page, you there are the words “Newer Post”, “Home” and “Older Posts”. These serve a good purpose. Nevertheless, some people may like a neater layout by removing these links and this guide will discuss the simplest method that involves minimal change to the

Remove Older Post and Posts (Atom) Links

In the new default Blogger templates, you will see at the bottom of the page the words “Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)”. On every other page, you there are the words “Newer Post”, “Home” and “Older Posts”. These serve a good purpose. Nevertheless, some people may like a neater layout by removing these links and this guide will discuss the simplest method that involves minimal change to the

AdSense Code in Blogger Post Body

Thursday, May 3, 2007

One of the known tips for improving the performance of your Google AdSense ads is knowing where to place the ads. In this guide, we shall discuss the modification you can make to your Blog template to have your Google AdSense ads appear between your post title and post body, or between your post body and post footer. Also, we shall have the AdSense ads appear on every individual post.Choosing a

AdSense Code in Blogger Post Body

One of the known tips for improving the performance of your Google AdSense ads is knowing where to place the ads. In this guide, we shall discuss the modification you can make to your Blog template to have your Google AdSense ads appear between your post title and post body, or between your post body and post footer. Also, we shall have the AdSense ads appear on every individual post.Choosing a

Animated Banner with Rotating Headlines

Sunday, April 29, 2007

This article is about creating a nice looking banner that incorporates rotating headlines of your 5 recent Blog articles. If you have submitted your Blog to different Blog Directories, you would come across some which ask for your banner. It is nothing more than a picture to represent your Blog.Nonetheless, a nicely designed banner can attract more visitors and add a touch of professionalism to

Animated Banner with Rotating Headlines

This article is about creating a nice looking banner that incorporates rotating headlines of your 5 recent Blog articles. If you have submitted your Blog to different Blog Directories, you would come across some which ask for your banner. It is nothing more than a picture to represent your Blog.Nonetheless, a nicely designed banner can attract more visitors and add a touch of professionalism to

Hyperlinks and Image Links (II)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

We continue from where we left off in Hyperlinks and Image Links (I). We have looked at how we can create text links and discussed the HTML code and common attributes. In this part of the article, we shall focus on adding Images and Image Links into your Blog. We will talk about the “title” and “alt” tags in image links which supposedly help in search engine optimization (SEO). We shall end

Hyperlinks and Image Links (II)

We continue from where we left off in Hyperlinks and Image Links (I). We have looked at how we can create text links and discussed the HTML code and common attributes. In this part of the article, we shall focus on adding Images and Image Links into your Blog. We will talk about the “title” and “alt” tags in image links which supposedly help in search engine optimization (SEO). We shall end

Hyperlinks and Image Links (I)

In this article, we shall address the common queries on how to configure links such that they open in a new window when clicked, the HTML code for visitors to link to your blog, the various hyperlink HTML tags and attributes, etc.A hypertext link or text link is a piece of text which when clicked will bring you to a section of a webpage, another webpage or an electronic document. If it is an

Hyperlinks and Image Links (I)

In this article, we shall address the common queries on how to configure links such that they open in a new window when clicked, the HTML code for visitors to link to your blog, the various hyperlink HTML tags and attributes, etc.A hypertext link or text link is a piece of text which when clicked will bring you to a section of a webpage, another webpage or an electronic document. If it is an

Chat Box, Shout Box and Google Talk

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The chat box you see on the left sidebar is one of the many FREE interactive tools you can get for your blogs. Call them what you like – tagboard, message board, chat box, chatter box, message box, shout box – they have one thing in common i.e., promoting interaction by allowing your visitors to leave messages or chat with one another. While it is true that your visitors can leave comments on

Chat Box, Shout Box and Google Talk

The chat box you see on the left sidebar is one of the many FREE interactive tools you can get for your blogs. Call them what you like – tagboard, message board, chat box, chatter box, message box, shout box – they have one thing in common i.e., promoting interaction by allowing your visitors to leave messages or chat with one another. While it is true that your visitors can leave comments on

Embed Picasa Web Albums Slideshow

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Picasa SlideshowPicasa Web AlbumsFullscreen


1.  Go to the album you want to display in Picasa Web Album.

2.  Right-click on the button and "Copy shortcut" (?).

     e.g. http://picasaweb.google.com/jsmith/Album2007?authkey=kqiIFUT#s123456789123456789

     e.g. My Beautiful Album

     (You have to be logged in to your Blogger account)

6.  Not at Blogger.com?
     Get the code

Add a search form in Blogger


Add a search engine in the sidebar of your blog.


Saturday, April 14, 2007


Thursday, April 12, 2007

A beautiful blog design created by John Oxton and Denis Radenkovic.

Here the background images.

Sudoku Widget

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Sudoku widget generates random puzzles with five different levels of difficulty and shows when you have entered an incorrect answer.

Submit Blog to Blog Directories (I)

Thursday, April 5, 2007

How do you attract more readers and visitors to your Blog? To make your Blog more visible, the solution lies in submitting your Blog URL or RSS Feed to as many good Blog directories as possible. There are hundreds of websites touting themselves as blog search engines, blog directory hosts, feed aggregators, and traffic exchanges. A couple of the website creators are out to make a quick buck,

Submit Blog to Blog Directories (II)

This is a continued list of Blog directories to which you can submit your blog for free. If you have not read the first part, please check out Submit Blog to Blog Directories (I).Again, I seek your understanding that while comments on your experiences with these sites are welcomed, kindly refrain from posting suggestions of new blog directory sites. As you will see, where there are voting

Submit Blog to Blog Directories (III)

This is a continuation from the earlier list of Blog directories to which you can submit your blog for free. For completeness, it is advisable to read the earlier installments Part I and Part II before you read this.Feel free to share comments on your experiences with these sites but refrain from posting suggestions of new blog directory sites.Blogflux Other than a blog directory, the site also

Blog Traffic Exchange and AdSense

Sunday, April 1, 2007

After doing up nice websites with interesting contents, the webmasters' dilemma is usually one of attracting visitors to their sites. Having more visitors is gratifying; it is a reward that website owners deserve for putting time and effort into their sites.Traffic exchange networks were designed to promote visitor traffic to websites or blogs. The idea is simple – members of the network surf

Blog Traffic Exchange and AdSense

After doing up nice websites with interesting contents, the webmasters' dilemma is usually one of attracting visitors to their sites. Having more visitors is gratifying; it is a reward that website owners deserve for putting time and effort into their sites.Traffic exchange networks were designed to promote visitor traffic to websites or blogs. The idea is simple – members of the network surf

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the seventh and final book in the Harry Potter series of novels by J. K. Rowling. The book title was announced on December 21, 2006 via a special Christmas-themed hangman puzzle on Rowling's website and confirmed shortly afterwards by the book's publishers. Rowling has stated that the final volume relates so closely to the previous book in the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, "almost as though they are two halves of the same novel." It features the adventures of the series' protagonist Harry Potter as he attempts to bring an end to his nemesis, Lord Voldemort...


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Background Image for Blogger Template

Saturday, March 24, 2007

With this guide, you would be able to add a background image or picture to your Blog, customize the position of your image, and have a static background image that stays in place when you scroll through the contents of your blog.You will need to create an image. Find a picture you like. If you need a free photo editing tool, you can either search the net for one or use Google's Photo Editing

Add Picture Banner Link to Blogger Header

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Update:With the latest Blogger feature, there is an easier way to insert a background image to replace your Blogger Header. The image is also clickable and links to your Blog's main index page. The steps are discussed in the article Background Image for Blogger Header (New).However, by using the new feature, the image appears in the center, as a background to the title. For those who want

Add Picture Banner Link to Blogger Header

Update:With the latest Blogger feature, there is an easier way to insert a background image to replace your Blogger Header. The image is also clickable and links to your Blog's main index page. The steps are discussed in the article Background Image for Blogger Header (New).However, by using the new feature, the image appears in the center, as a background to the title. For those who want

Add Digg button to Blogger or Blogspot

Sunday, March 18, 2007

This is a step-by-step guide to automatically place a real-time Digg count and vote button to every single blog post. Digg is a social content website where your readers or you can submit content to. If you have a good story, members will 'digg' the post and write comments. As a blog owner, you may want to make it easy for and encourage your readers to submit and digg your articles.Automatic

Add Digg button to Blogger or Blogspot

This is a step-by-step guide to automatically place a real-time Digg count and vote button to every single blog post. Digg is a social content website where your readers or you can submit content to. If you have a good story, members will 'digg' the post and write comments. As a blog owner, you may want to make it easy for and encourage your readers to submit and digg your articles.Automatic

Hide or Remove Navbar in Blogger

The Blogger or Blogspot Navbar is a default feature that appears at the top of every Blogger powered blog. It is a useful navigation tool which allows readers to search the blog for targeted content, mark the blog as objectionable, and randomly view other member blogs.The Navbar can be disabled for users who publish contents via FTP, but it will appear on all freely hosted BlogSpot blogs. While

Add Video Clip to Blog

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Update: Blogger released a new Add Video feature which allows you to upload videos into your Blog posts. Should you want to know more about it, or resize or align the video, or put it into the sidebar, you may follow our guide in Customize Video Upload in Blogger.This is a step-by-step guide on how to add a video or movie clip to your Blog or webpage. There are many sites that offer free video

Language Translation Flags and Script

Friday, March 16, 2007

This tutorial explains how you can add a script to allow readers to view your English site in other foreign languages. As you can see on the right of this page, a reader needs only to click the relevant country flag to read this site contents in his preferred language.English is not the most popular language in the world. In fact, according to many reports, the Chinese language (Mandarin) is

Add Google Talk To Your Blog

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Google Talk, long a fixture in Gmail, can now be added to your blog as a gadget.

The Google Talk Gadget lets you send instant messages, transfer files, make voice calls (to other Google Talk users) and leave voicemail messages. If you paste a Picasa Web Album or YouTube URL into a chat session, the gadget gives you an instant preview of the photos and videos.

Recent comments widget

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Customize Widget




The Hobbit

Thursday, March 8, 2007

A fresh design proposed by Arcsin.se & Beautiful Beta

Pink Blooms

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Author: Dan Archibald


Author: Deepak Thapliyal

Add Music to Blogspot blog

Sunday, February 25, 2007

This article is updated to address the difference in the way the code is interpreted by the different browsers, namely Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. We have also included a sample music file which you can use to test the effects of adding the sound file to your Blog. As well, read our article on Flash Music Player and Music Playlists to add a playlist of several musical pieces or songs.

Add Music to Blogspot blog

This article is updated to address the difference in the way the code is interpreted by the different browsers, namely Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. We have also included a sample music file which you can use to test the effects of adding the sound file to your Blog. As well, read our article on Flash Music Player and Music Playlists to add a playlist of several musical pieces or songs.

Using Google Page Creator and Google Groups

Saturday, February 24, 2007

If you are looking to have a Favicon (icon next to your URL) or music on your blog, you will need to upload the files onto a web host. Most bloggers do not register and pay for a .com site. Fortunately for us, there are many sites offering free hosting of your files, documents, photos, and so on. I shall cover 2 very useful free web hosts which you can consider using – Google Page Creator and

Add a Digg Button

Sunday, February 18, 2007

How to integrate a Digg Button into your blogger template, which will be displayed in each of your blogger posts. The button displays the amount of times each post has been dugg and lets users digg directly from your blog.

1- Make sure to Backup your Template!

2- Open your blogger template, click Expand Widget Templates, and search for the code below:


3- Add this code below directly above the searched code above:

4- Now Preview and Save your Template!

Customize your Blogger template

How to add a video to my blog?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Add a video you like to your blog from either Youtube or Google Video.

From Youtube:

YoutubeIn the upper right hand of the page, next to the video is a box with a link and an embed code.

To embed this video right onto your blog copy the code (Ctrl+C) in this embed box.

From Google Video:

Google VideoOn the right side of the video is a link that says "Email - Blog - Post to MySpace". Click on this link.

When you click that link some more links show up. Click on the one that says "Embed HTML".

If you want to embed this video right onto your blog, copy the code (Ctrl+C) in the embed box.

Into your Blogger Dashboard:

Blogger dashboardPaste the code (Ctrl+V) you saved earlier right into the text area.

Submit Blogger Sitemap to Yahoo!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Publicize your site by having your Blogger.com or Blogspot.com blog site included in Yahoo! Directory and Yahoo! Search. I went to the official Yahoo! submission of URL page and clicked the link “Submit Your Site for Free”. You will be prompted to log in using your Yahoo! account. For those of you who do not have a Yahoo! account, simply sign up for one. It is Free.After you have your Yahoo!

Submit Blogger Sitemap to Google Webmaster

Submitting your Blogger.com or Blogspot.com blog site to Google Webmaster will enable Google to find, index, and rank your site. For those who are new to this, you may go to the official Google Webmaster Tools site to create a new Webmaster profile.Upon logging in using your Gmail account, key in your blog site URL, and click OK. You will then be asked to verify your site. This is to ascertain

JavaScript for Quote of the Day

Saturday, February 10, 2007

If you are wondering whether I manually add a Quote of the Day, the answer is no. I have used a simple JavaScript to display a new Quote everyday. There are a few JavaScript codes written by several people - some make you pay to buy their program, while others allow you to tap on to their Quotes database. I was looking for something simple, and unfortunately a number of those I found online do

Add Images or Icons to Sidebar links

Sidebars are sometimes crowded with lots of text. There are many ways to make some of the items stand out. In my case, I decided that I will add icons next to the links, to differentiate links from normal text. I will also draw a thin line after each link. To be consistent, the color of these lines shall be the border color.Note: This is the style we used for our Minima template. Since each

Add Blogger search box

Friday, February 9, 2007

The Google Navigation bar at the top of your Blogger blogs has an embedded search box. However, you may want to include a similar box in the main body of your blog (like what I have done), or the sidebar. Other than the convenience for users, the added advantage is that unlike Google search box, the search results of this Blogger.com search box appear in the main body of your Blog.Under

Three Columns Minima Template

The typical new Blogger Minima Template has only one sidebar. We can add a third column to the left, to have two sidebars. This maximizes the space, and allows greater flexibility in adding page elements to the sidebar.Note that this guide is for those who want to convert their Minima template into a three column template by adding another sidebar. In our Rounders Template article, we have

Background Image for Blogger Header

Update:With the latest Blogger feature, there is an easier way to insert a background image into your Blogger Header. The steps are discussed in the article “Background Image for Blogger Header (New)”.However, by using the new feature, the image appears in the center, as a background to the title. For those who want more control over the position of the picture, like having the picture appear

Change Blogger Header background color

To change the background color of the Header, first determine what color you would like to have. You may look at the HTML Color Chart for the colors you can experiment with. For example, if you have decided on a color code #B38481, go to Template and click “Edit HTML”. Scroll to the part where you see this:-#header-wrapper { width:660px; margin:0 auto 10px; border:1px solid $

Hexadecimal HTML Color Codes and Names

Changing background and border colors will add a special identity to your site.Under the Template tab, you see “Fonts and Colors”. Clicking that, you will be able to change the colors, font types, and font size. However the available colors on the screen are limited. If you cannot find the color you want, you may want to copy the appropriate hex codes of the colors below, and paste them into

Add Favicon icon to Blogger URL

Have you wondered how these little icons appear next to the web addresses, like the one you see above? When you visit the sites or bookmark them, these icons will make these URLs stand out. These are “Favicons” or “Favorite Icons”.You would first need to have an icon which you would like to use, bearing the extension .ico format. If you search your hard disk, you might find some icons which

Add Page Element to Blogger Header and Blog Posts

You would notice under Template -> Page Elements that there are options to add a Page Element to the sidebar and the footer. However, there is none for the Header and Blog Posts. Having a Page Element option to these latter two is useful. You may want to add a picture at the top, or a Google Adsense ad at the top or bottom of your blog posts.To have an “Add a Page Element” option, under “

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