Google Adsense Referral closing down, Welcome Google Affliate Network!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Google has decided to shut down their current Adsense Referrals Program as they have tied up with Doubleclick. Now Google is almost ready to launch their new program called Google Affiliate Network.


I came to know this from a mail from Google team which says that the program is down & the new one will be launched soon!. Here's clip of their mail :





Thank you for participating in the AdSense Referrals program.
We’re writing to let you know that we will be retiring the AdSense
Referrals program during the last week of August. We appreciate
your patience during this transition and here are some alternative
options to consider:


    * Google Affiliate Network: As part of the integration of
DoubleClick, the DoubleClick Performics Affiliate Network will now
operate as the Google Affiliate Network for advertisers targeting
users located in the United States. Similar to the AdSense
Referrals program, the Google Affiliate Network enables publishers
to apply for advertiser programs and get paid based on
advertiser-defined actions instead of clicks or impressions.


& BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!......



If you are currently running their referral ads, then remove it from your site as their will be no conversions now . I have removed my one referral ad of 'Download Manager' when I came to know about this, as they are of no use now & are just occupying Web site space..


Google Affiliate Network will be better than the Adsense Referral program as this is what Google is saying.


Let's hope it'll BE the same what Google says & the publishers like us will be able to earn better.


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