How to Create Comment Box Under Your Post

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Before you read this articel, I suggested you to read this first

If you create a blog use wordpress, you will have comment box under your post. but if use it's different, under your post is only a link that will open a window to post a comments. It's why webblog use wordpress have more comments in their blog than But don't worry, for us who use blogger, now we can trick it with free service from haloscan comments box. But the risk if you use this comment box is you will lost your previous comments, so think this deeply. If decided to use this commnet box let's begin our class.

Warning : This methode can have many risk, some template is not support for this comment box, it's can cause you lost your post. So you have to back up your template first.

Here's the trick

1. Login to bloger and klick "layout --> Edit HTML, klick "download full templates link to download your template.
2. Then open this website
3. You have to sign up first. Then you log in.
4. You will found some tabs menu, First chose "setting" menu, Please set it firs then save.
5. If you did then chose "install" menu.
6. If you use blogger beta, chose radiobutton "Blogger or Blogspot (New Version / Google Login)", if you use blogger classic chose "Blogger or Blogspot (Old Version)". Then click "next" button
6. Click brows button and find your template file. Then click "Upload blogger template" button.
7. After that click "download new template" and save it.
8. Back to blogger "Edit HTML", click "brows" button and find your new template from haloscan. Then click "upload" button.
9. Save your editting.

Now you have comments box unr your post.

If you want to show "recent comments" on your sidebar just go to haloscan dashboard, you will see your recent comments and under it there a link "Put this widget on your site", click the link you will see a box with scripts, copy the script and paste into your blog.

Good Luck...


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